"Who's Next? Our 10 Bold Predictions for the Karate Kid Cameo in Cobra Kai Season 6!"


  • Cobra Kai season 6 will feature a previously unseen character from The Karate Kid films, leaving room for speculation on who it could be.
  • Some possibilities include Toshio reuniting with Chozen, Dennis teaming up with Mike Barnes, and Julie Pierce possibly being Tory's mother.
  • Other potential cameos include Colonel Dugan holding a grudge against Miyagi-Do, Ned Randall being another redeemed villain, and Mr. Han setting up the upcoming Karate Kid movie.

Yet another The Karate Kid character will get a cameo in Cobra Kai season 6, and there are several possibilities for who this could be. The Netflix series has brought back a great many fighters from the original films, especially villains.

 Now that Cobra Kai is wrapping things up with season 6, this will be the last opportunity for those who have been missed to finally get in on the action. Of course, there's plenty of room for speculation between the three original The Karate Kid movies, The Next Karate Kid, and the 2010 The Karate Kid reboot.

Cobra Kai creator Jon Hurwitz shared on Twitter that there would be "at least one character from the Karate Kid films" that hasn't yet made an appearance on the show in season 6. This has, of course, led to a good deal of speculation.

 Fans of the Karate Kid movies have been requesting specific characters, such as The Next Karate Kid's Julie Pierce or Jackie Chan's character in the 2010 The Karate Kid, for seasons, but they have continued to be let down. Now, with the promise from Hurwitz that someone knew would get involved in season 6, these characters and more may finally get their big moment.

10 Toshio Can Rejoin Chozen

Cobra Kai season 2 brought back all of Johnny's old friends, revealing just how much the group of bullies had changed, so it only makes sense that season 6 would do this for Chozen as well. In The Karate Kid Part 2, Toshio is Chozen's best friend and a real pain for Daniel and Mr. Miyagi. 

Since Cobra Kai season 5 saw Chozen admit that he was in love with Kumiko, it can be assumed that either he will return to Japan for a time to see her or she will come to the United States. When this happens, it may be the perfect way to bring Toshio into the mix and explore whether he went through redemption like his old best friend did.

9 Dennis Can Join Forces With Mike Barnes

The teen antagonists of The Karate Kid always had buddies, and Dennis was the companion to Mike Barnes. Cobra Kai season 5 saw Daniel reunite with Mike, who, like many other original villains, has changed his ways since the 80s. After Terry Silver burned down Mike's furniture store, he decided to help Daniel and Johnny escalate things.

 Silver may be gone, but Mike could decide that Kreese's escape from prison makes it worth sticking around. He may even choose to call in some old support in the form of his old equally-as-destructive friend Dennis.

8 Julie Pierce Could Be Tory's Mom

One of the most heavily requested characters from the various Karate Kid movies is Julie Pierce, Mr. Miyagi's student in The Next Karate Kid. Though this was one of the least popular movies within the franchise, there is a lot of promise regarding her character, and a return from actor Hilary Swank would be quite a treat. 

There are theories that Julie is Tory Nichols' mother, supported by Cobra Kai's secretiveness surrounding the bed-ridden character (season 5 went out of its way to keep her hidden). Given Hurwitz's hint, Julie seems the most likely character to appear in Cobra Kai season 6.

7 Colonel Dugan Could Hold A Grudge Against Miyagi-Do

Colonel Dugan was the adult antagonist from The Next Karate Kid, and he was certainly a piece of work. Unlike Terry Silver and John Kreese, we haven't seen the man since the '90s, which could make bringing him back in Cobra Kai season 6 a lot of fun. 

This would be especially true if Julie Pierce made a returning appearance. Perhaps, with Silver headed to prison, Kreese will have a need for another villainous ally. Though there is nothing indicating that these two men ever knew each other, bringing Kreese and Dugan together could provide an opportunity to create more links and connections within the franchise.

6 Ned Randall Could Be Another Redeemed Villain

Ned Randall was Julie's primary rival in The Next Karate Kid, and since he accepted his ultimate loss at the end of the movie, it can be assumed that he would be another redeemed villain if he were brought back for Cobra Kai season 6. Of course, this would also depend on Julie Pierce or Colonel Dugan returning. 

Ned wasn't a strong enough villain to be of much interest on his own, but combined with the other characters of The Next Karate Kid, it could be interesting to see how he interacts with the characters of Cobra Kai. If Tory truly is Julie's daughter, then Ned could potentially make amends for his past by passing on some help to the young Cobra Kai fighter.

5 Eric McGowen Could Return With Julie

Eric McGowen was Julie's love interest in The Next Karate Kid, which makes him another character whose presence in Cobra Kai season 6 would depend on whether Julie appears. Were this the case, he could be an interesting and relevant addition since Eric was a member of the Alpha Elite (The Next Karate Kid's Cobra Kai equivalent).

 As a good character in a bad situation, Eric could relate to many of the teen characters in Cobra Kai, such as Kenny Payne, and provide some valuable guidance regarding how he separated from unhealthy influences.

4 Mr. Han Can Set Up The Upcoming Karate Kid Movie

Jackie Chan's Mr. Han is another character that The Karate Kid fans have been eager to see in Cobra Kai, and recent franchise news makes this more likely for season 6 than it ever was before. In the past, the creators of Cobra Kai have said that, as a reboot, the 2010 The Karate Kid existed in a different "universe," but the reveal that Chan's Mr.

 Han and Ralph Macchio's Daniel LaRusso would be coming together for a 2024 The Karate Kid changes this. To set up this upcoming film, Mr. Han may be brought into the story in Cobra Kai season 6.

3 Dre Parker Could Return With Mr. Han

The announcement that Chan's Mr. Han would appear in the upcoming The Karate Kid movie has raised questions regarding Jaden Smith's Dre Parker. As with Chan, it's possible that Smith will have a cameo in Cobra Kai season 6 as a way to set up the newest installment in the franchise. 

This could be uniquely interesting compared to other possible Karate Kid cameos since Dre learned kung fu rather than karate. If this Karate Kid character joined those from Cobra Kai, he could teach them something new (perhaps the snake stance technique he used to hypnotize Cheng at the end of The Karate Kid).

2 Cheng Could Work With Mr. Han

Perhaps even more likely to appear than Jaden Smith's Dre is the young antagonist from The Karate Kid (2010), Cheng. Actor Zhenwei Wang recently made a comeback to the movie world, starring in some Chinese-produced films as well as the 2023 Jackie Chan and John Cena movie Hidden Strike.

 Given this active status, it's certainly possible that Cobra Kai could have booked Wang for season 6. Additionally, since the Netflix series is more about the villains than the heroes, it would make sense for Cheng to be the next cameo, especially alongside Mr. Han (whose kung fu school Cheng joined at the end of the Karate Kid reboot).

1 Master Li Could Join John Kreese As A Villain

Master Li was the John Kreese equivalent in The Karate Kid (2010), which could make him another valuable addition to Cobra Kai. If the series hopes to set up the 2024 Karate Kid movie, it would be fitting to bring in Cheng and Master Li to parallel Johnny and Kreese in the final season.

 Like Johnny, Cheng left his abusive sensei's practice after being defeated by his rival, so it would be interesting to see Li and Kreese team up to get revenge on their old students (who could join forces as well). Since Hurwitz's tease that Cobra Kai would include "at least one" cameo, it certainly seems implied that more characters will appear, and Cheng and Master Li would be a perfect way to further explore the series "villain redemption" themes.