"Wheel of Time Season 3: Casting Surprises Fans by Unveiling 7 Once-Missing Book Characters!"

The casting of two missing characters for The Wheel of Time season 3 is a promising sign that several more will be joining the fold as well.


  •  The casting of Galad and "The Queen" in The Wheel of Time season 3 suggests that more missing book characters will be introduced.
  •  The appearances of Morgase and Galad indicate that the kingdom of Andor will be a significant setting in season 3.
  •  Caemlyn, the capital of Andor, is likely to be explored in season 3, possibly through Mat Cauthon's story.

The casting of two missing characters for The Wheel of Time season 3 is a promising sign that several more will be joining the cast when the series returns. Over the course of two seasons, Amazon's adaptation of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time books has built a sizable portion of the Dragon Reborn saga's massive cast.

 But given the hundreds of characters that populate Jordan's novels, it's no surprise that dozens - some of which being incredibly important characters - have yet to make an appearance yet.

Two in particular are expected to make their long-awaited debuts in The Wheel of Time season 3. Reportedly, Callum Kerr has been cast as Galad, Elayne Trakand's step-brother [via Wotseries]. 

It's also been reported that Olivia Williams has been tapped to play "The Queen," who is most assuredly Morgase Trakand, the mother of Elayne and the ruler of Andor [via Wotseries]. Both appeared as early as the first book, yet neither have been utilized by the show, with Morgase only being referenced.

Wheel Of Time Season 3 Casting Promises 7 Missing Book Characters

The absences of Morgase and Galad looks to be changing in season 3, which also gives other missing characters excellent chances of showing up soon. Both are associated with the court of Andor, a kingdom in The Wheel of Time's world and the place Elayne calls home. 

When it was visited in the first book, Jordan used this opportunity to introduce a multitude of key figures from the court. The storyline also brought in Elaida, a Red Sister who acts as an advisor to Morgase. 

The connection to Morgase supports unconfirmed rumors that Elaida is the character that Shohreh Aghdashloo will portray in season 3. It was already known that Aghdashloo will be involved with season 3 [via Wotseries.]

With these characters seemingly set to appear, it's a safe bet more characters will be on hand too. Chief among them is Gawyn, a character Verin mentioned by name in The Wheel of Time season 2. Elayne's biological brother and a noble groomed to become the First Prince of the Sword, Gawyn is a major supporting player in the story and Egwene's main love interest. 

Other ties tied to Morgase's family include Martyn Tallanvor and Gareth Bryne. Secretly in love with Morgase, Tallanvor is the head of the guards at the palace. As for Gareth Bryne, he's a major military figure in Andor, the love interest to Siuan Sanche, and an ally to Morgase.

Lastly, there's Rahvin, a member of the 13 Forsaken in The Wheel of Time books. Creating the guise of a well-connected noble named Lord Gaebril, Rahvin infiltrated the court of Andor, earned the trust of several powerful people, and became the lover of Queen Morgase. 

Since Rahvin wormed his way into Andor politics, he has a high likelihood of making a season 3 appearance, assuming of course, that he isn't one of the Forsaken believed to have been cut from the show's interpretation of the story.

Wheel Of Time's New Characters Sets Up Caemlyn To Be A Big Part Of Season 3

The implications that come up with the new casting news indicate that the kingdom of Andor will be a setting for The Wheel of Time season 3. With the plot of The Shadow Rising on track to be the focus of season 3, the Aiel Waste is expected to be where much of the story will take place. 

But similar to how it was in season 2, it's hard to imagine Wheel of Time bringing everyone into the Aiel Waste. Chances are, it'll tell stories in multiple regions of The Wheel of Time's world. Having one of these happen in Andor is a logical course for the series to take.

Caemlyn, which serves as the capitol of Andor, is one of the most significant locations on The Wheel of Time map. It was also a stop on the long road to Tar Valon in The Eye of the World. Curiously, the TV show avoided it by making key moments from that story - Rand meeting Loial and seeing Logain for the first time - happen in Tar Valon instead. This created questions as to when the grand city of Caemlyn would finally be explored.

Based on the characters season 3 appears to be using, it looks like Wheel of Time is finally getting ready to show off this unseen corner of Jordan's fantasy universe. And if The Wheel of Time is going to rise to the challenge of building the Camelyn setting, it stands to reason it won't be just for one or two episodes. Rather, it feels like a place that the series would spend at least a full-season arc in, if at all.

The Wheel Of Time's 7 Missing Characters Could Show Up In Mat's Next Journey

As for where Caemlyn - and the seven missing characters - could fit into the picture, it's possible their introductions will come courtesy of Mat Cauthon's story. With Rand headed for the Aiel Waste, Perrin set up to return to the Two Rivers, neither is in position to meet Queen Morgase and the others anytime soon. Mat, on the other hand, is an excellent candidate when it comes to facilitating their arrivals.

 In The Shadow Rising, he accompanies Rand to the Aiel Waste and gets his memories from his past lives unlocked. Because that already happened to him, The Wheel of Time may draw on one of his other stories, namely the one that took Mat to Caemlyn in The Dragon Reborn.

In the book, Mat travels to Caemlyn to deliver a letter to Morgase and gets word of an assassination plot against Elayne cooked up by Lord Gaebril (Rahvin). Due to all the Forsaken being on the loose after the Wheel of Time season 2 finale, it's not hard to imagine a character like Rahvin filling a major villain role, possibly as the main antagonist of Mat's arc. Mogehedien made a point of revealing that all the Forsaken are free now, meaning that she won't be alone in menacing the main characters in season 3.

It's worth noting that getting swept up in Rahvin's scheme is the story that results in Mat reuniting and teaming up with Thom, who was once romantically involved with Morgase. It's been confirmed that Thom Merrilin will be back for The Wheel of Time season 3, thus making the prospect of Mat and Thom's adventure happening in live-action all the more likely. 

This could also be a chance for the show to make use of the iconic book fight where Mat single-handedly bests Gawyn and Galad in combat. It happens at the White Tower in the book version, but could easily occur in Caemlyn if that's where he's going next.