"My 600-Lb Life Season 10: The Aftermath of Ryan Barkdoll – Where is He Now?"

 Ryan Barkdoll had a great journey on My 600-lb Life, but it's unknown how he has progressed since then. The 31-year-old cast member debuted a few months ago in My 600-lb Life season 10, where he began his fitness journey. Ryan was 740 pounds when he appeared on the show and hoped to have an independent life and family. However, his obesity prevented him from doing anything, and his food addiction continued to ruin his health. During his appearance in My 600-lb Life season 10, Ryan relied on his mother and her boyfriend for his basic needs.

Ryan had suffered from obesity since he was very young. His journey was difficult on the show, and he had a tough time following Dr. Now’s plan. Initially, Ryan started to follow a 1200-calorie diet with no carbs. However, he couldn’t maintain it and kept ordering junk food to fulfill himself. He also didn’t visit Dr. Now throughout the episode, further halting his progress. For months, the My 600-lb Life season 10 star showed no desire to improve his health. As expected, he failed to complete his 12-month program, which ended in the tenth month.

Did Ryan Lose Weight On The Show Or After His Episode Aired?

Ryan was the first cast member of My 600-lb Life, who missed each one of his appointments with Dr. Now. As a result, his total documented weight loss was barely 80 pounds. After ten months, the Columbia Falls resident was still way above 650 pounds and showed no sign of improvement. It's unlikely that he underwent weight loss surgery or any other procedure since he never qualified for the same. Ryan has shared no updates on his fitness journey since his episode. However, he still appears to be living and staying in Montana.

After a tough journey in My 600-lb Life season 10, Ryan has disappeared from social media altogether. There's no sign of him on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media platforms. Therefore, it's easy to speculate that he has abandoned all hope of losing weight. Ryan had a fatherless childhood and only had his grandfather, who passed away when he was 13. After that, he began abusing drugs, further altering his mental health. It seems the My 600-lb Life cast member is extremely anti-social and has no interest in making online friends.

Why Ryan Might Be So Quiet Since Filming My 600-lb Life

The biggest reason Ryan has run off the grid is probably his physical and psychological state. Since he never followed up with Dr. Now, it’s evident that he didn’t hope to lose weight or change his life for the better. However, it wasn’t his fault for doing so. Ryan needed therapy and consultation to help fix his attitude toward life. Since Dr. Now can only do so much, Ryan couldn’t lose weight on the show and is likely in the same condition. My 600-lb Life star’s unsuccessful journey could be why he’s silent.