"The Truth Behind Hugh Jackman's Worst Wolverine Injury: A Midlife Crisis or Just Passion?"

 In his career as Wolverine on the big screen, Jackman revealed that he had several injuries, and one of them was enough for his ex-wife to snap at him.


  • Hugh Jackman played the role of Wolverine on the big screen for 17 years of his career, making it his most iconic role.
  • The star has received several injuries while performing dangerous stunts on the sets of his Marvel films, some quite deadly.
  • While performing the classic bullet train scene in The Wolverine, Jackman almost broke his neck, and was thus lectured by his ex-wife.

For more than a decade and a half playing Wolverine on the big screen may boost your confidence and morale over time to match that of the mutant, but unlike him, one cannot be self-healing to the point of being immortal. Hugh Jackman, the star who played the character in the films has learned this the hard way from many injuries he’s incurred over the years.

Some of these injuries may have been minor, but there were a few that could’ve proven fatal for the star if he wouldn’t have been so lucky. One of these injuries was incurred when he was trying to swing out of a bullet train in his 2013 film The Wolverine, where he almost broke his neck and received a proper scolding from his now ex-wife Deborra-Lee Furness.

Hugh Jackman’s Ex-Wife Scolded Him For Trying To Perform Stunts Like Tom Cruise In His Films

There are several instances where stars are required to perform certain stunts and sequences that might put them in harm’s way, and in those small instances, that harm does come their way. There are several times when Hugh Jackman came close to being severely injured, but just like his iconic Marvel character, he persevered through.

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But his perseverance wasn’t enough to let his ex-wife Deborra-Lee Furness rest easy when he was doing stunts like Tom Cruise on the sets. This came to an ultimatum in 2013’s The Wolverine, when shooting the famous bullet train scene, he had the shot of swinging from the inside of one of the coaches to the roof while it was moving.

“I just remember hanging up there on the wires and everyone just stops, and I got sent home because I was a little in shock about it. She goes ‘You’ve got a stunt double. Stop. Is this a midlife crisis?’”

Taking her advice, the rest of the time shooting went smoothly without any major hiccups, and thankfully, no major injuries. You may also like: “The G force it bent my spine”: Even the Action God Tom Cruise Found Himself in an Ugly Spot in His First Ride in a Fighter Jet

How Hugh Jackman Made Wolverine So Iconic

The iconic nature of a character and the star who plays it on-screen stems from their pervasive nature of bringing consistency as well as uniqueness to their performance as time goes on. For Jackman, playing Wolverine on-screen for 17 years of his career got him a Guinness World Record for ‘Longest career as a live-action Marvel character’, and in that time, we saw so many hidden sides and different natures of the character that it never felt stale. Along with this, being able to maintain the audience’s interest in the character even after his last appearance is a testament to the rest work done by the star with his role.