"Behind the Scenes: Did Geno Make Strides on 'My 600-Lb Life' Season 11?"

 Participants on My 600-Lb Life never have it easy. They are individuals who have gained so much weight that, at times, mobilization is nearly impossible. Add to that cameras in their face and each episode can be heart-wrenching for everyone involved. In the Season 11 premiere, we meet Geno Dacunto and after watching his story unfold, viewers are sure to wonder where Geno from My 600-Lb Life is now.

Unlike some of the show's subjects, who have a difficult time admitting to their overeating habits and lack of drive when it comes to exercising, Geno is willing to do what he has to in order to qualify for surgery. He seems to understand that his life literally depends on it. And for that alone, it's hard not to root for him.

Where is Geno from 'My 600-Lb Life' now?

Geno is joined on the show by his cousin Nico Martone, who also wants to lose weight for the sake of his health. Although the show ends with Geno's journey in progress, it looks like both he and Nico have continued on their respective paths since filming ended. At least, where social media is concerned.

Nico posted a Facebook photo in December 2022 that shows a much slimmer version of himself. Compared to past photos of Nico, it looks like his health has improved a lot.

When it comes to Geno, it's not as clear cut. And he likely hasn't had bariatric surgery just yet. But he does look slimmer in recent photos on his own Facebook profile. He's also actively working, according to his LinkedIn, which says he's a chef at the Silver Sands Restaurant. He's in a serious relationship with a woman who seems to adore him too.

On My 600-Lb Life, Geno is eager to get on the right path to lose weight and, essentially, save his own life. And right now, it doesn't look like any of that was fodder for the cameras. Hopefully viewers get an in-depth look at his progress in a Where Are They Now? special in the future.

Geno's cousin Nico also wants to make a change on 'My 600-Lb Life.'

Although Geno's episode of My 600-Lb Life is focused mostly on him, his cousin is also overweight and hopeful to make some real changes in his own life. And since filming, it appears that he, too, was affected by his time on the TLC show. He looks like he lost a considerable amount of weight and he recently got engaged too.

'My 600-Lb Life' paved the way for other similar TLC shows.

Although My 600-Lb Life has been around for years and is now in its eleventh season, there are other TLC shows that share similar stories. Like Too Large, which features individuals at the end of their rope and hopeful for bariatric surgery. There's also 1000-Lb Sisters and 1000-Lb Best Friends, both of which follow different sets of individuals who have exceeded a healthy weight and are considered morbidly obese.

For some viewers, though, My 600-Lb Life is the TLC show that still offers something for them to learn from rather than an ongoing storyline with the same stars who may or may not display some contrived drama.