"Why Does 'The Blacklist' Fans Love Raymond Reddington? Discover with His 20 Best Quotes!"

 20 "I Can Only Lead You To The Truth."

In the first season of The Blacklist, Raymond Reddington was already leaving breadcrumbs to his motives, and for him, it was always about getting things done. However, he also knew that he could only do so much. In this case, there was evidence that Tom Keen was responsible for a murder, but there was also some chance that Red was setting up the man. However, it made Liz question whether she could trust Tom. Red then said, "I can only lead you to the truth. I can’t make you believe it."

This was an incredibly prophetic Raymond Reddington quote. Of course, Red was right about the truth being one Liz struggled to come to terms with. Tom turns out to be a villain the entire time, which leads to Liz shooting him. This was just one of many times that Red helped Liz and the FBI without being completely open with his knowledge, setting up a game he played throughout every single one of The Blacklist's 10 seasons.

19 "That's A Man I Understand."

Raymond 'Red' Reddington has a lot of quotes that he loves to say he lives by. However, when it comes to his ideas of what it means to be a man and to stand up for what he believes, he always lives by this one specific quote. In full, it has him saying, "A man who's willing to burn the world down to protect the one person they care about, that's a man I understand." Red has always been someone who will do anything in his power to protect those he loves, and this slams that point home.

This Raymond Reddington quote came as Red was talking to Liz about why Barnes would do anything in his power, no matter how devastating, to protect the life of his child. He also made it clear he would do anything to protect Liz and keep her alive, even if he couldn't follow through on that promise in the end.

18 "Have I Threatened You Before?"

Red Reddington has prided himself on delivering one-liners that ensure that the person he is speaking to knows exactly who he is and what he is capable of. He also makes sure that anyone he is talking to knows that he is not someone to be messed around with. What was best about this quote was that it wasn't a threat or an intimidation tactic. One of the best Raymond Reddington quotes, it was here just a source of confusion for the man.

What is funny is that this isn't a quote only used on The Blacklist. This was also a quote that Captain Jack Sparrow used in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie when he met Will Turner. It worked in that situation as well, and, for men like Raymond Reddington and Jack Sparrow, all the confrontational encounters merge into one after a while.

The Blacklist has been running for many seasons, and the show has seen countless talented actors come and go from its cast over the years.

17 "I Consider Jealousy To Be A Base Emotion."

Reddington has never found it easy in The Blacklist to give his trust to anyone. However, with Elizabeth, that was all different. As their relationship strengthened, Elizabeth began to feel jealousy at certain things in Red's life. When Raymond Reddington was searching for Zoe, and Elizabeth believed she might be his daughter, she showed jealousy at that entire situation. That caused Reddington to just tell her, "As a rule, I consider jealousy to be a base emotion, but in this case, It’s quite endearing." It was a nice way to let her know it was okay.

Of course, Zoe wasn't Red's daughter but was the daughter of Milos Kirchoff, whom he wanted to help the two reunite. Raymond Reddington was always one step ahead, but even in that case, he knew how Elizabeth felt about him, and he was willing to drop some pretenses to let her know he was there for her as well. It subtly shows the more human side of his enigmatic character.

16 "There Are Things In The Darkness"

Raymond Reddington knows what it is like to do bad things. He also knows there is a need to warn other people about when they are about to cross over that line where there is no coming back. This is made apparent in a Raymond Reddington quote taken from while he was talking to Agent Donald Ressler. Reddington tells Ressler, "Once you cross over, there are things in the darkness that can keep your heart from feeling the light again." When Ressler says all he feels is hate, Reddington says that it is "Good, You're gonna need it."

This came in the wake of FBI Agent Sam Raimo, who disemboweled himself to save his own family from a Yauka Boss he had previously arrested while hunting down Red. While seeking out Tanida, the Yakuza boss kills Ressler's former fiancé in front of him. When Ressler learns it was his old friend Jonica who caused Tanida to come after everyone, he finally steps down from killing him himself and allows the man to commit seppuku, the same fate that Raimo suffered.

15 "I Had Bullets, He Had Words."

Raymond Reddington makes several decisions that are questionable and problematic. Still, he is not totally despicable. Reddington has his moral code and a clear set of rules which he follows. This Raymond Reddington quote, as well as being characteristically slick, perfectly demonstrates the fact that James Spader's Blacklist character isn't without ethics.

Raymond is very much impacted by the stories of injustice that he hears, and he often believes that he is doing what is necessary to right these injustices. With this quote, Raymond talks about the value of an impactful story. When explaining that since he had the bullets, "when he was done talking for the first time, I truly understood which of those was more powerful."

Take a look behind the mysteries of The Blacklist, as we delve into the show's secrets both on and off the screen.

14 "That Is What A Good Man Does."

Another Raymond Reddington quote that deals with morality came when he was confronted by Dembe. Dembe Zuma and Raymond Reddington have one of the most beautiful relationships in the show. Though these two are close, they are very different from one another. One of The Blacklist's best side characters, Dembe often acts as Raymond's muscle, and he is also often a voice of reason. While Raymond is vengeful, Dembe believes in forgiveness.

Reddington is aware of this difference between them and holds Dembe in high regard for his ability to forgive and move on. When Raymond confronts a man who was responsible for the death of Dembe's family, Dembe tries to dissuade Raymond from reacting violently, but Reddington has other plans. Red looked at Geoff and said that Dembe is a good man, but "that is what separates men like him from men like you...and me."

13 "I Always Found Fear To Be My Most Valuable Sense."

One of the things that makes Raymond such an interesting and engaging character is the way he openly talks about his feelings. He's a mysterious character, but there are many Raymond Reddington quotes from moments he was open about his state of mind. While criminals are often portrayed as wholly twisted, powerful, or stoic, Raymond wears his heart on his sleeve, even if he is one of TV's best liars.

He discusses the importance of his emotions and how they impact the decisions he makes. While others in the task force try to swallow their fear, Raymond embraces this sense as it keeps him grounded, aware, and focused. The Raymond Reddington quote exemplifies how he uses his self-understanding to keep him grounded and always one step ahead of any situation.

12 "That's What Love Is. Being Powerless."

This quote is so beautiful because it accurately portrays Raymond Reddington's feelings for Elizabeth. Though the relationship between the two was unclear at the time, Raymond undoubtedly cared deeply for Liz. The quote began with him saying simply, "When you love someone you have no control."

Control and power are extremely important to Reddington, and he does his best to maintain them at all times. He acknowledged that Elizabeth was his weakness because she is one of the few people he cared about enough to relinquish some of his power and control. This both terrified and comforted him as she was both his greatest weakness and his greatest joy. With her death, he showed how love did make him powerless in the end.

10 Things That Make No Sense About The Blacklist

The show The Blacklist follows eccentric criminal Raymond Reddington as he works with the FBI, but some things about it truly make zero sense.

11 "In This World There Are No Sides."

Another thing that makes Raymond Reddington a captivating character is his worldview. While Red certainly has a moral code, he also recognizes that life is ever-changing. Many of the best Raymond Reddington quotes are when he mused to other characters in The Blacklist about the state of the world, and his insight into the morally gray nature of reality is one such moment.

While certain things are unforgivable to him, Reddington is also willing to work with individuals who were once his greatest enemies. Assuming someone has not violated Reddington's moral code, he can put aside his differences to work towards a common goal. He sees people as individuals whose opinions can change and evolve. As he notes, there are only "players" in this game.

10 "Life Is Far Too Important A Thing Ever To Talk Seriously About."

A man with the criminal record of Raymond Reddington needs to accept the reality of his situation. Red is aware that his life is constantly at risk and has made peace with the fact that he will eventually die. The Raymond Reddington quote is both brutally honest and demonstrates just how pragmatic he actually is.

Instead of dwelling on fear, Raymond chooses to enjoy his life to the fullest. He travels the world in his private jet, stays at fancy hotels, and drinks expensive liquor. He values his life, is grateful for each day he has, and is quick to remind those around him that they should feel the same way.

9 "God Can't Protect You, But I Can."

Leave it to Reddington to make a dangerous situation a humorous one. Raymond often uses danger to leverage power against his enemies, forcing them to accept help from him in exchange for vital information or resources. Many of the best Raymond Reddingon quotes come when he reminds people why he's a man to be feared and respected, and the moment he compares himself to God is among the greatest of these.

Of course, when threatened with danger, many people, criminals included, begin to pray for help. When one criminal began to do just that, Raymond offered himself up as a much more reliable ally. It demonstrates just how much gravitas James Spader's character in The Blacklist commands too, as when the words leave his lips they don't seem nearly as delusional as they are.

Many of the main characters on The Blacklist are highly intelligent. But they can't all be the smartest person in the room. Here's how they rank.

8 "Revenge Isn't A Passion; It's A Disease"

This Raymond Reddington quote also ended with him saying "Make sure your passion isn't your sickness," and is one of the most profound utterances by Red throughout The Blacklist. He gives this advice to Berlin after finally meeting the man who has been trying to destroy him for so long. Raymond can convince Berlin to stop his attacks by sharing that Berlin has been manipulated, but he encourages Berlin to process this musing on revenge and move on.

While Raymond operates on his moral code and generally believes he is doing what is right, not acting out of vengeance, there are some moments where Red could have benefited from following his advice. Maybe if he had, Kaplan would still be alive today.

7 "That's The Sound Of Your Checks Bouncing."

Another way Raymond Reddington manipulates people are with money. Sometimes he bribes them, sometimes he destroys their business connections and opportunities, and sometimes he steals all of their money and holds it for ransom. Naturally, many of the best Raymond Reddington quotes and moments come when he's running rings around other characters.

Of course, tact and timing are also key parts of James Spader's character. Ever the dramatic, Reddington wouldn't just come out and say "I have your money." One-liners like this are the optimal way to attract the attention of his enemies and get them to recognize the severity of the situation he has put them in.

6 "One Of The Keys To My Success"

"So often people overestimate themselves, misapply their gifts," Red said. "Wisdom is learning the boundaries of one's designated lane." Raymond Reddington prides himself on his intelligence and skill set. He is willing to acknowledge his shortcomings and employ individuals to assist him in the areas where he is less gifted.

This is why he surrounds himself with individuals such as Dembe, Kaplan, Nik, and Aram. This acknowledgment of his abilities is what makes Red one of the most notorious criminals of all time.

The Blacklist isn't your average network TV procedural. This James Spader-led show is funny and action-packed...at its best. But it has its duds too.

5 "Value Loyalty Above All Else."

Loyalty is rare to find in Raymond Reddington's field of work. This is part of the reason he sees Dembe as such a valuable individual to have around. Betraying loyalty seems to be the worst thing to Red, and it can have dire consequences. But the importance of loyalty was taught to Red when he was young.

Before this quote, he talks about an awful summer job he had as a teenager. He wanted to quit a few days into the summer, but his father refused to let him because he had given his word. At the end of the summer, Raymond is rewarded with a bonus of $40 and told he was the first person to ever finish the job. He counts this as one of the most valuable life lessons he ever learned as it taught him the importance of loyalty.

4 "You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover."

Everyone has heard the phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover." This expression means a person has to get to know someone before you come to a conclusion about them or can even have an opinion.

Here, Raymond Reddington makes the point that you don't have to know everything about a person to create a judgment, you just have to know enough. He also makes it clear when you know a person, saying, "You can, by its first few chapters and certainly by its last."

3 "There Is Nothing That Can Take The Pain Away."

This The Blacklist quote about dealing with loss is extremely moving. He gives this profound speech when speaking with Ressler about the loss of his fiancée, Audrey. The pain of this loss sends Ressler down an extremely dark path as he tries to avenge and cope with her death. Red encourages him to control himself but wants to make sure that Ressler feels seen and understood.

Red says there "will be nightmares" but one day it will "be the second thing" that a person thinks about rather than the first. This is something Raymond likely had to deal with himself after Liz died, one of The Blacklist's most heartbreaking moments. He knows pain, but if he follows his advice, it gets better over time.

2 "You Know The Problem With Drawing Lines In The Sand?"

Raymond Reddington said that with "a breath of air, they disappear." He does not believe in sides. He does his best to remain as impartial as possible, changing his position based on what is most beneficial for him at the time.

He also tries to remind others around him of this, as well as he considers those who stick to one mindset their whole lives foolish. This belief is at the very core of who Raymond Reddington is, as he likes to live within the "gray area" of the world.

1 "You Can't Possibly Fathom How Deep That Well Of Mine Truly Goes."

Raymond Reddington has a very clear set of values and boundaries. The morals that drive him may be different from the morals of the world, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. His most crucial value is to protect the most important things to him. He knows he is bad, but he also says that no one knows how far he will go to protect what he holds dear.

This belief is so essential to his character that he is willing to throw out almost all of his other standards in service to protect the people and things he finds most valuable. This included Megan Boone's Liz, which is why Red was so willing to forgive her for her actions when she turned against him. This quote speaks to why their complex relationship thrived to the end and is the best Raymond Reddington quote because it shows that what's been seen of him on The Blackliststill only scratches the surface.