Fact Check: Tom Selleck's Uninvolvement in Jon Voight's Controversial Trump Statement

 Claims that Tom Selleck is a Trump supporter are trending on social media, after quotes by actor Jon Voight were misattributed to the Magnum P.I. star.

Originating from a Breitbart interview with Voight in 2016, the phony excerpts have been making the rounds on X, the social network formerly known as Twitter.

"I pray all Americans who have seen and felt the meltdown of America with the Obama years, to please fight for Donald Trump," the quote reads. "He will not let us down. I pray for all good people to see clearly what faces us now. The right vote will save our nation."

According to independent fact-checking organization PolitiFact, a conservative blog fabricated the story in 2019, using quotes from Voight's 2016 interview with far-right news network Breitbart.

Tom Selleck, Jon Voight

Left, Tom Selleck visits the SiriusXM Studios in New York City on October 15, 2015. Right, Jon Voigt is seen in Hollywood, California, on June 27, 2016. Claims that Selleck is a Trump supporter are trending on social media after quotes by Voight were misattributed to him.

Fact-checking website Snopes also debunked the claims that Selleck is a Trump supporter, tracing them back even further, to 2018.

"This was said by Jon Voight in 2016. Tom Selleck never said anything like this," said internet personality Ron Filipkowski on X.

The mix-up has angered Selleck fans.

"For everyone who keeps spreading the #Fake Tom Selleck #Rumor. He did NOT say it. He is NOT a Trump supporter. Now #StopIt," said Peace.

"Google is your friend people!!" said Amanda, while Ryan Shead accused right-wing X users of "putting words in [Selleck's] mouth to further their Trump 2024 agenda."

However, the phony quote had already fooled several people online, with @Sonar706 writing: "Tom Selleck is maga. Sad."

"Tom Selleck is right on about Trump," said Charlot Claudon. "Its refreshing to actually hear that there are some actors who have good sense and believe in America for all-the right reasons he's right Trump is the man MAGA."

"We love Tom Selleck, he's always marched to his own drum, and continues to speak own his Truth," commented Susan Stevenson. "He understands our President Trump, and is a loyal Republican patriot."

"I fell for the Tom Selleck fakery. I deleted. My fault for not fact checking," wrote @PiperDewn, while @JFCnotagain said: "Deleted post about Tom Selleck. I was wrong. Should have known better."

In an interview with conservative news outlet National Review in 2004, Selleck described himself as a "registered independent with a lot of libertarian leanings." A staunch gun advocate, the Blue Bloods actor was an NRA board member from 2003 to 2018.

In the 2016 general election, the 78-year-old avoided supporting Trump or Hillary Clinton, instead opting for a write-in name by voting for former Dallas Police Chief David Brown. The retired officer was applauded for guiding the force during the 2016 Dallas police shootings, in which five officers were killed.

Donald Trump and Jon Voight in 2020

Donald Trump speaks with Jon Voight outside the Oval Office in Washington, D.C., on January 28, 2020. A long-time supporter of Trump, Voight spoke at the former president's inauguration in 2017.

"That man showed such grace and leadership," Selleck said of Brown during an appearance on The View. "I was just deeply touched by him."

In his youth, Voight was known for his liberal views, which included protesting against the Vietnam War and supporting John F. Kennedy.

In 2008, the Oscar winner wrote an opinion piece for The Washington Times, in which he decried his previous activism and criticized the Democratic party, including then-presidential candidate Barack Obama.